Gopher Control

sfgopherSave your plantations and save money with the professional people at Summitt Forests Inc.

Summitt’s crews have successfully treated many thousands of acres of infested plantations for private landowners and government agencies.  Within plantations gophers can be a major problem with regard to seedling survival.  Gophers may be controlled by several methods; baiting, trapping or bombing.  At times, multiple treatments are necessary to control populations in order to give the plantation a chance to survive and grow.  Summitt’s crews are led by licensed applicators and include well trained and equipped employees who successfully implement the applications.

Application Methods

Gas Bombing


Several Licensed Applicators
100 Probes
200 Traps
Several Lock Boxes
Fleet of 4X4 Vans and Trucks

Summitt can provide prices for the services by the acre or by the hour. Please contact us with any questions or for a price quote.